While I was studying at SFSU, Cliff House was one of my favorite dating and getaway places.
This Saturday, C and I came back here again.
Back then, almost every other day, my BFF and I went to Louis'( Louis' diner sits on the cliffs next to the Cliff House overlooking the beautiful Pacific ocean).

Also, there is a tunnel with a hole in the middle where the ocean waves come crashing in. It's the tradition that C always carries me through the tunnel. I hope this tradition goes on 100 years. :)
Do you want to see what the pool looked like 100 years ago or the bathing suit that the women wore 100 years ago? Click here -- http://www.cliffhouse.com/
Sutro Baths (a huge swimming pool) was built by the ocean way back in year 1894. It was burned down by a fire. ) Even today, you still can see the ruins and the old foundation left on the beach. C and I climbed up and down to burn the calories.Cliff house totally is a part of San Francisco history.
No doubt, it was also a part of my San Francisco memory. :)
Hey Momo! I remember going there with my friend M and her Japanese friend S. ;-) We also ate hot apple pie! :-D